Is an academic package the right addition to your child's treatment?
What is UTBS Academy?
Voted Best Private School in Northern and Southern Utah, UTBS Academy is a special program that allows students to add on an academic package of services to their current behavioral or mental health treatment program. Students who are currently in UTBS Day Treatment have high priority behavioral and mental health needs, that are the reason for, and focus of, their treatment. The academic package is intended to add-on some additional services that are focused on education and academics, which are listed below. This program is not intended to replace a student’s treatment program – in fact, their treatment services will continue exactly as they have been.
Students must be current clients of Utah Behavior Services in order to apply to enroll in the Academy program. UTBS Academy partners with Utah Behavior Services to provide academic services during behavioral or mental health day treatment services.

Because UTBS Academy is not intended to replace a child’s treatment, and it only provides academic supports that complement and integrate into treatment, UTBS Academy is not appropriate for clients who are capable of attending school in their regular districts or charter schools, such as clients who attend UTBS sessions in the evenings after school. It is also not appropriate for students who are on track to graduate, and would like to earn a high school diploma. It is appropriate for students who have not been successful in their public school placements, have never attended school in the past and/or are preparing to return or start school in a traditional setting.
What We Do
What does it cost?
UTBS Academy works with families to make the program affordable and realistic for their family. Tuition may be covered by state-funded scholarships or we may offer scholarships to individual students in order to make tuition more affordable.
How do I apply?
UTBS-Academy is only available to current center-based day treatment clients at Utah Behavior Services. Click below to check the requirements.
Because UTBS Academy is not a “traditional” school, with a single instructor assigned to a class of children, here are some frequently asked questions about our process.
Who Are The Instructors?
UTBS Academy will utilize a variety of highly trained professionals for the purpose of delivering academic services. Due to the unique population of students that we serve, our staff may not hold traditional teaching licenses, but instead may have specialty training in behavior analysis or mental health. All UTBS Academy staff will meet the criteria below:
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher, or
- Have at least three years teaching experience in public or private schools, or
- Have special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in the subjects taught and to the special needs students taught (Utah Code 53a-1A-705(1)(g))
- Have passed a criminal background check in accordance with Utah Office of Licensing (R501-14 and R501-18).
Each client attending the academy program will be assigned a special education teacher who will:
- Create an Individual Academic Plan
- Perform yearly achievement assessments
- Monitor progress
- Instruct clients in one-on-one and group settings to target their academic goals
- Act as a liaison in partnership with parents and your assigned public school
- Navigate academic, post-secondary, and public resources
We collaborate with a client’s mental health, medical, and behavior team for:
- Future Education
- Employment
- Independent Living
Your child’s Individual Academic Plan will include their:

Current Academic Performance

Reading, Writing, and
Math Goals

Academic Instructional Programming
Is There Anything Else I Need To Know?
It is important to note that UTBS Academy is not a traditional school, with a single instructor assigned to a class of children. Instead, the Academy program is a method of delivering academic instruction, assessment, and case management, to students who are actively engaged in behavioral treatment, and for whom that is the current priority. Therefore, please note the following disclosures:
- Academy does not include a lunch or meal program. Students must bring their own meals and snacks from home.
- Academy does not include or provide any transportation to/from the center. Parents remain responsible for transporting their students in order to access treatment and Academy services.
- In the case of an emergency or natural disaster in which the center is not safe for school to continue, parents will be notified via text or phone call through RingCentral. may also be utilized to send out parent notification or information.
- The special education services that the Academy will provide are detailed above. By enrolling in UTBS Academy, if receiving the Carson Smith Scholarship, parents are forfeiting any additional services that the student may be eligible for in a public school setting.